In worship God imparts Himself to us. — C.S. Lewis In the Old Testament, God instituted the priesthood so that someone could be a mediator between man and God. The high priest would offer the sacrifice for the people's sins on the day of atonement and only after this, he would enter into the holy place in the temple. God preserved His presence for only those purified by blood, set apart for His purposes. When Jesus came, He was called the great high priest because not only did mediate for us - creating a bridge for us to commune with God, but He himself was the sacrifice offered for our sins. And with the sacrifice complete, our sins forgiven, we are welcomed into the throne room of heaven, where we can enter with confidence in our position with God. W orship Christ, our great high priest Jesus, Your sacrifice - the gift of your life - has opened the way for me to have complete access to God. Your arms stretched wide upon the cross connected my humble sinful hea...
When I accepted a position as a principal 9 years ago, I became the person who knew and carried around the hurts, anxieties, trauma, losses, and difficulties of all those children and adults. The only way I knew to deal with all of that heavy burden was to lay it at Jesus' feet. I came morning after morning and petitioned God to care for each of these precious people with greater compassion and mercy than even I could imagine. So, that's how I became a praying principal.